1. How It Works
Triple Action is an all-in-one organic solution that packs a triple punch against pests and diseases. It contains 0.25% Pyrethrin, a natural insecticide derived from Chrysanthemum flowers, and 70% Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil. Pyrethrin acts as a neurotoxin to insects. When an insect touches or eats a plant treated with Pyrethrin, it disrupts their nervous system, leading to paralysis and eventually death. However, Pyrethrin is short-lived, lasting only 1-2 days before it degrades, especially when exposed to sunlight or rain.
Note: Triple Action Plus is not organic.
2. Usage
Triple Action serves as a reactive solution rather than a proactive one. It’s best to spray it directly on insects to get rid of them efficiently.
Despite its effectiveness on insects, it has a low toxicity level for humans and pets, making it safe for use in most gardens. Pyrethrin can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some, so keep an eye out the first time you use it.
Triple Action can be used on both outdoor and indoor plants. When spraying indoor plants, take plants outside for the initial application to prevent spray lofting in the air. Avoid applications near water, as it is toxic to fish and aquatic organisms.
It can be applied every 7-14 days and is safe for edible plants, although you should try to stop application as soon as possible before harvest.
Spreader sticker should be used only with the concentrate, not the ready-to-use spray.
3. Targeting Specific Pests
Triple Action is effective against a wide variety of insects, including ants, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, aphids, mites, flies, fleas, and scale (although it’s not as effective on scale). However, while it’s good at killing harmful insects, it can also impact beneficial ones, so avoid spraying it on flowers where pollinators might land. Its short-lived nature makes it less harmful to these beneficial insects over the long term.