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Treflan Herbicide Granules

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Safe for Edible Plants

Treflan Herbicide Granules

Use this to prevent weeds in landscape beds & gardens. 

1. How it Works 

Hi-Yield Treflan Granules is a pre-emergent herbicide designed to prevent the germination and growth of a wide range of weeds in gardens and ornamental beds. The primary active ingredient, Trifluralin, works by inhibiting root development in newly germinated weed seeds. This disruption prevents the weeds from establishing and growing, thus keeping the area weed-free. 

This pre-emergent herbicide will not kill existing weeds. It creates a barrier in the soil that prevents weed seeds from germinating. 

2. Usage 

Hi-Yield Treflan Granules are designed for use in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and ornamental plant areas. Before application, the area should be free of existing weeds, either by hand-pulling or using a post-emergent herbicide. 

To apply, evenly distribute the granules over the soil surface at the recommended rate, as per label instructions. After application, it’s essential to water the area lightly to activate the herbicide and incorporate it into the soil. 

For best results, Hi-Yield Treflan Granules should be applied 2-3 times in a season. Apply early spring, late spring, and mid-late summer. 

3. Targeting Specific Pests and Diseases 

Treflan Granules are effective against a variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. These include crabgrass, foxtail, pigweed, and many others. By preventing these weeds from germinating, gardens and ornamental beds can remain clean and free from unwanted vegetation, allowing desired plants to thrive without competition. 

It’s essential to note that Treflan Granules won’t affect established plants or perennials that propagate through rhizomes or tubers. However, care should be taken when planting desired seeds in treated areas, as the herbicide will affect germination. 

Note: As with all herbicide products, it’s crucial to read and follow label instructions when using Hi-Yield Treflan Granules. Ensure the product is stored safely, out of reach of children and pets. Always wear appropriate protective equipment during application. 

Read label here. 

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Watering Tips

  • Our watering advice is based on plants living in a 72 degree house. Porch life or humidity could have an impact on its watering needs.
  • Always use tepid water for watering your houseplants.
  • Broadleaf plants need less water in fall and winter, but you should never allow the soil to completely dry out.
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