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Liquid Systemic Fungicide

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• Concentrate



Black Spot
Brown Patch
Brown Spot
Dollar Spot
Greasy Spot
Leaf Spot
Needle Rust
Powdery Mildew
Stripe Smut
Tip Blight
Twig Blight

Liquid Systemic Fungicide

1. How it Works 

Fertilome Liquid Systemic Fungicide is a specially formulated solution designed to combat a wide range of plant diseases caused by fungi. As a systemic fungicide, it works by being absorbed into the plant’s system, providing protection from the inside out. Once absorbed, the fungicide moves throughout the plant, ensuring that even new growth is protected from potential fungal infections. 

The active ingredient in Fertilome Liquid Systemic Fungicide disrupts the cell growth of the fungi, preventing them from multiplying and spreading. This not only stops the current infection but also prevents future outbreaks, ensuring the health and vitality of the plant. 

2. Usage 

Fertilome Liquid Systemic Fungicide is best used as both a preventive and curative measure. For preventive applications, it’s essential to start treatment before the disease appears, especially during conditions favorable for fungal growth, such as prolonged wet weather. 

When mixing the fungicide, always follow the label instructions to ensure the correct dosage. Thoroughly spray the plants, ensuring complete coverage, as the fungicide needs to be absorbed by the plant to be effective. It’s advisable to apply the product during cooler parts of the day or evening to minimize potential plant stress and to maximize absorption. 

Do not use on: African Violets, Begonias, Boston Ferns, or Geraniums. 

3. Targeting Specific Pests and Diseases 

Fertilome Liquid Systemic Fungicide is effective against a broad spectrum of fungal diseases that commonly afflict plants. These include powdery mildew, black spot, rust, anthracnose, and many others. Its systemic nature ensures that it provides long-lasting protection against these diseases, even as the plant continues to grow. 

For best results, it’s crucial to identify the specific fungal disease affecting your plants and to apply the fungicide at the recommended intervals. Regular monitoring and timely applications can help ensure that plants remain free from fungal diseases and continue to thrive. 

As with all fungicide products, it’s essential to read and follow label instructions to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

Read the label here. 

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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Wet Weather? Here’s How to Rid Your Garden Plants of Fungus

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  • Our watering advice is based on plants living in a 72 degree house. Porch life or humidity could have an impact on its watering needs.
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