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Copper Fungicide

Available In-Store

• Ready-to-Spray
• Concentrate



Black Spot
Cedar Apple Rust
Dollar Spot
Downy Mildew
Early Blight
Fire Blight
Fruit Spot
Greasy Spot
Late Blight
Leaf Spot
Needle Rust
Peach Leaf Curl
Powdery Mildew

Copper Fungicide


1. How It Works

Copper Soap Fungicide is a highly effective way to fight off various fungal diseases. This special mixture has a unique history – it was first discovered back in 1885 in the Bordeaux region of France, by grape farmers. They used a mix of copper and lime to make their grapes less appealing to hungry animals passing by, but they noticed something else: powdery mildew, a common fungus, was missing from these treated plants. Since then, this “Bordeaux mixture” has been widely used to keep plants free from various types of fungus.

2. Usage

Copper Soap Fungicide works best when used as a preventative measure. Start spraying it before the buds break open on fruit trees, and on any tree or shrub that has had fungus problems in the past. You can also use it once a disease shows up. From that point, keep applying it every 7 to 10 days until you’re ready to harvest. For the best results, spray it early in the morning or in the evening. May be sprayed up to one day before harvest of edible plants.

3. Targeting Specific Pests

Copper Soap Fungicide is a versatile solution for a variety of fungal diseases. You can use it on ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and even lawns. It effectively combats Anthracnose, a disease that causes dark spots on plant leaves, as well as Blights that can quickly kill off plants. Powdery Mildew, which leaves a white dust-like layer on plant surfaces, Rust that causes yellow and orange spots, and Leaf Spot diseases can all be managed using this fungicide.

See label here.

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Watering Tips

  • Our watering advice is based on plants living in a 72 degree house. Porch life or humidity could have an impact on its watering needs.
  • Always use tepid water for watering your houseplants.
  • Broadleaf plants need less water in fall and winter, but you should never allow the soil to completely dry out.
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